Starlight Xpress HX916; 2.78 arc-sec/pix Stellarvue SV78-S at f/6.2 piggybacked on LX200, guided by SBIG STV at 833 mm EFL. Astronimik Type II-IR clear filter. Luminance = 69 x 40 seconds, unbinned 1x1. Asteroid moving south-east in image (North is up) at -.006 arc sec/sec. Total elapsed time first image to last is 3,519 seconds. Relative motion is ~ 8 pixels. Distance from Earth at time of exposure 244 million miles, mag 12.5. Coordinates of asteroid are
RA:03h 13m 27.8s Dec:+43°48'44". The two bright stars flanking 71 Niobe are mag 7.5 each.
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