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Adalberto Tiburzi | all galleries >> Interstitial Rome >> The frontiers inside > Roma, il Mondo
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24 Jan Roma 2007

Roma, il Mondo

the World / le Monde

Global Glowball Glowing In The Wind

for Kal

* * * * *
I am not able nor interested in setting scenes.
To me, photography is a matter of discovering already existing yet unseen visual meanings.
Research, more than illustration of some a priori concept.
Photography, the capability to notice the existent and its richness.
A matter of information, more than art.

Photography is to challenge the information noise, the nonsense around us.
A matter of chance, with its immense creative power.
To say it in one word, a matter of luck.

Luck, the mysterious quality sensitive individuals have.

I went today to get my midday coffee, with Kal's photo in my mind,
and noticed that set.
It was existing, yet non-existing before I saw it.

Yes, I must admit I am rather lucky, the humble photojournalist that I am ;-)

other sizes: small medium original auto
Adalberto Tiburzi17-Feb-2007 07:25
PBase was a true delight of red X the other day, so here are the...


Kal Khogali 25-Jan-2007 15:24
Oh my, the power of influence. Maybe it is in the wind, carried accross the sea..a wisp, a touch, a
breath,and then it is there. Glowbally enlightening, and the image;-)K

Adalberto Tiburzi 25-Jan-2007 01:02
Yes, Ann said it well. A good photo must have a strong incredibility ratio inside.
Incredibility is information, all in all.

Ann LT 25-Jan-2007 00:49
Yes,you are a (very)lucky man.

giselle borgwardt 24-Jan-2007 22:41
Makes me homesick for the old,
gone (& rotten) Chinese culture.

Adalberto Tiburzi 24-Jan-2007 21:29
Luca, with your "Xiang-Qi vs Chaturanga" you win 1000 PBase points for the best comment till now.
Thank you.

JD 24-Jan-2007 20:48
Il n'y a pas de malchanceux, il n'y a que des gens qui ne regarde pas ;-) Deux mondes qui s'oppose.
La grenouille et le boeuf peut-etre.

Luca Zanoni 24-Jan-2007 20:25
round red vs square vert under a triangled white heaven. Xiang-Qi vs Chaturanga over the table of

Feng and Lusha 24-Jan-2007 18:22
agree with Fong Lam, what a contrast! very nice symbolic image!

akleja 24-Jan-2007 17:55
Great shot! Nice meating between cultures. The light is great!

Fong Lam 24-Jan-2007 16:12
A Chinese lantern facing a European street lamp...a harmony exists between two cultures.

Adalberto Tiburzi 24-Jan-2007 15:58
Zainudin, thank you for your "constructive criticism".
But if you were familiar with my work you'd know that the triangle of "free sky" in the corner is
the signature mark I put in most of my photos...

Zainudin 24-Jan-2007 15:52
I am so attracted to this image. The two light source are well composed and filled up the space. You
have also included the the place, is it at Lot 234 Il Mondo? Probably you should clone out the light
at the left bottom. TQ.

I left my vote for this image. ~V~

W.S. 24-Jan-2007 15:51
"There are more things on Heaven and Earth, Kal, than are dreamt of in our philosophy"
The Bard of Avon

Adalberto Tiburzi 24-Jan-2007 15:35
Alem, by your photos you seem a very lucky man.
Like Kal, by the way ;-)

alem 24-Jan-2007 15:33
love the "wind"... it really makes the glowball turning like the world. Or like the fortune. Today
for you, tomorrow for me, Adal (well, I hope...) ;-)
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