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Adalberto Tiburzi | all galleries >> Interstitial Rome >> The frontiers inside > talkin' bout a revolution
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Roma 2004

talkin' bout a revolution

correct spelling: РЕВОЛЮЦИЯ

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Guest 12-Aug-2007 00:22
Very nice capture!
Guest 25-Nov-2006 09:29
Heh! Great title and framing!
laine8222-Nov-2006 21:46
Not too many revolutions left in this clunker :>)
Guest 07-Jun-2005 15:07
Oh ... it's a great metaphor. The misspelled Russian adds a touch.
Guest 17-Sep-2004 14:11
People gonna rise up and take what's theirs.
Guest 11-Sep-2004 17:32
whisper into a Roar! No sticks or queues. Great one, Adal!
northstar3711-Sep-2004 16:58
I don't think its wheels will ever be making any more revolutions....
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