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J. Scott Coile | all galleries >> Sense of Place (26 subgalleries) >> Life is a Highway > Narrowing

February 1

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February 1

Nashville, TN

I tossed the idea around all day about taking a break
from PaDding. Late ride home with the day fading and
the path narrowing before me and I found myself drawn
right back in. No matter how hectic things get in
life, this seems to be a reliable outlet for relief.

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Guest 04-Feb-2008 10:37
Just enough light to understand the layout of the place, and a mysterious UFO in the sky.
Gayle P. Clement04-Feb-2008 04:39
Beautiful scene, Scott.
Gary Winters03-Feb-2008 06:39
I can't imagine pbase without you! Perhaps a break is called for, but please come back soon! You're a master, and I am inspired by your work. I've taken a break now and then, but something always brings me back.

Oh yeah, and another outstanding image, of course!
Bill Ewart Jr03-Feb-2008 04:25
You are one of the few artists that is relentless about consistency and posting PADs...
I've tried, but can't seem to always find time to keep it going. Take a few days off, it'll do you good! As for this shot, another outstanding one, great use of existing light!
royalld02-Feb-2008 22:29
This is a wonderfully seen shot.
If you do take a break you will know, without a doubt, when it is time to spring back.
Guest 02-Feb-2008 21:27
great night shot.
Carole Stevens02-Feb-2008 17:39
Good prescription to all symptoms, pick up the camera, great shot, the delicate lighting is perfect!
beverley harrison02-Feb-2008 16:58
goodo!! glad you came to the right decision!!
fred_il02-Feb-2008 16:54
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography02-Feb-2008 16:27
Really nice, Vote :)
Milos Markovic02-Feb-2008 16:26
It happens so often lately that I even cannot find enough time to check my favorite artist photos.
The new uploads from the quality artists Like You,Scott and the comments from the artists that I highly value, usually are the needed boost to take my camera and make another series.
So thank You for all of Your beautiful photos and comments
Take some rest, but let the camera nearby, you know that the beauty is always behind the corner...

P.S. I always enjoy reading the lines under Your photos...
Coleen Perilloux Landry02-Feb-2008 16:23
This photo reminds me of the phrase "all is calm, all is bright." Lovely photo.
s_barbour02-Feb-2008 14:22
I certainly do understand how you are feeling Scott. Time is so precious and some days just don't seem to have enough hours to accomplish all that I want, or need, to get done.
I must admit I always look forward to seeing your creative images and would miss your fine work. Perhaps you should consider doing a PESO or PAW to take off some of the pressure. Life is busy, however we still need to take some time for ourselves.
Johnny JAG02-Feb-2008 14:13
So glad you're going to keep on, this is another great shot.
Bryan Ramsay02-Feb-2008 13:59
Good to hear!! Very nicve chot Scott! -BJ
David Clunas02-Feb-2008 11:13
just enough shadow and and perfect placement of the pin pricks of light, a welcoming view
Guest 02-Feb-2008 09:35
star bright, star light.
Sheila02-Feb-2008 08:34
It's like the closing scene in a Disney movie. Stunning shot.
Faye White02-Feb-2008 08:05
this is dreamy - very quiet and calming.... now I can get back to sleep. :)
Guest 02-Feb-2008 06:01
very nice. (re: pad'ing...i'm not sure how you can post every day, and can post such consistently interesting and good work. i would not blame you for taking a break, but i also understand the outlet it provides.)
Winter2702-Feb-2008 05:27
This is gorgeous. Could be a postcard.
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