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J. Scott Coile | all galleries >> Sense of Place (26 subgalleries) >> Life is a Highway > CHALLENGE:Movement
January 31
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January 31

Bellevue, TN

...and so ends another month of PaD...

For others MoViNg in the TITC go HERE.

To be added to the Move Me gallery.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Barry S Moore10-Feb-2008 12:43
Motion well depicted
Mindy McNaugher04-Feb-2008 04:31
Awesome motion! Great shot!
Phillip Normanton01-Feb-2008 20:59
Nice wibbly lines - and a clear road in front of you!!
Johnny JAG01-Feb-2008 20:09
Great movement.
royalld01-Feb-2008 18:09
Great capture of movement.
Guest 01-Feb-2008 12:57
Driving on the highway with the camera in the hand on a rainy day, Scott? You challenge yourself beyond the TITC!
Guest 01-Feb-2008 12:09
Super shot,Scott. Love the sense of depth and composition with this shot!:>)
Ian York01-Feb-2008 11:38
a simple and very effective capture
Nicki Thurgar01-Feb-2008 09:53
Great sense of movement!
Pat Shawyer01-Feb-2008 08:52
Drives like my Brother !! haha
Good shot.
Guest 01-Feb-2008 08:27
yep that is moving
Maaike Huizer01-Feb-2008 07:52
Driving yourself??? Great shot.
Guenter Eh01-Feb-2008 07:18
LOL @ the comment of Sheila! "Crazy" aussies! Is everything ok with you and your car Scott? Like the dancing lights!
Brian McAllister01-Feb-2008 04:57
Beautiful capture…….
carolynne_w01-Feb-2008 04:53
Looks cold and icy outside of the car but nice entry!
Coleen Perilloux Landry01-Feb-2008 04:43
Slicky stuff. I hope you do lots of color in February--pleasssseeee.
Scott Browne01-Feb-2008 03:37
Glad the road is somewhat clear in front of you!
Jonathan Popp01-Feb-2008 03:13
Yikes! Great shot.
Sheila01-Feb-2008 02:18
So that's what it's like driving on the wrong side of the road!
Excellent movement.
Guest 01-Feb-2008 02:13
looks like my images when I've had too much coffee :)
nice job of capturing the challenge!
b-w studio01-Feb-2008 02:08
Be careful! :)
Dan Chusid01-Feb-2008 02:05
Sure glad you're not holding a cellphone too.
Cindi Smith01-Feb-2008 01:19
Now that's some movement. Tell me you weren't moving when you took this! Hey, what am I saying...I do that all the time, not that it is okay or anything!
Laura Sebastianelli01-Feb-2008 00:34
wow, you and I should not be on the road at the same time! (If you took this photo like I did!)
Faye White01-Feb-2008 00:20
zoom, zoom, zoom, I'm getting dizzy!!
Nancy Lobaugh01-Feb-2008 00:11
watch out for the potholes! love the squigglies!
Barbara Heide01-Feb-2008 00:04
lol! moving, yes!
Guest 31-Jan-2008 23:50
Slow down Scott!
I'm getting coffee all over myself!
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