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James Mason | all galleries >> Galleries >> A city under seige > Sladoledi
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92 James Mason


Dubrovnik, Croatia

The European Union observers were called sladoledi (ice cream sellers) because of their white uniforms. Boy, were these guys useless. I don't know what these people did in real life, but I have never seen a more naive bunch. This group was meeting at the Hotel Argentina, where they lived. One guy used to ask me about twice a week, "James, tell me one more time, which side are the Chetniks on?" I'd say Chetniks are Serbs. "Well then, who are the Ustashi?" It would go on like that.

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Plavusha 09-Apr-2010 19:01
Slasticari! Yup, ice cream men, who did nothing there but take notes. Most people suspect many were spies for Euro countries. Some were even caught assaulting little kids. Diplomatic immunity. So they were shipped off to another foreign land to do it again. Disgusting people.