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13-AUG-2017 Yvonne


Mossman Gorge, FNQ Australia

One of many on the various boardwalks we did on our recent holiday in
the tropics of Australia.

Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX3
1/50s f/2.0 at 5.1mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
LynnH10-Sep-2017 23:41
Nice to have these informative trail signs along the way. It is very colorful,
Walter Otto Koenig09-Sep-2017 22:41
Nice shot of this informative sign.
larose forest photos09-Sep-2017 01:11
What a cool sign. Did you by chance see a Cassowary? We looked and looked for days in various areas in Queensland but never did. V
Ken Chambers ARPS08-Sep-2017 21:42
Nice place to wlk. Von
Martin Lamoon08-Sep-2017 20:53
Looks a great place to visit.
laine08-Sep-2017 20:10
The information is clear and colourful.
barbarajoy08-Sep-2017 10:12
Good one! And a lovely place. We have been there.
borisalex08-Sep-2017 09:17
A great sign to follow! V
joseantonio08-Sep-2017 07:04
a special area for wildlife....v
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