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Karthik Raja | all galleries >> Galleries >> Incredible India >> Rishikesh, Haridwar, Kunjapuri - Uttaranchal >> Kunjapuri Devi Temple > Mountains, Morning glow, Rishikesh, India
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27-NOV-2005 Jyothi Karthik Raja

Mountains, Morning glow, Rishikesh, India

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tashi 19-Feb-2014 08:39
what is peaks name?? plss tell me..
rempy 14-Aug-2008 23:40
It is so beautiful.
Guest 18-Mar-2006 05:09
Makes me feel I shd go there. Beautiful.
Guest 27-Jan-2006 19:31
out of this world!
Guest 29-Nov-2005 14:07
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