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Sam X | all galleries >> Galleries >> Chicago > Chicago River Walk
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Chicago River Walk

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Laryl23-Oct-2009 15:36
love it!!
Sheila23-Oct-2009 11:11
Beautiful lines everywhere!
Bernard Davis22-Oct-2009 19:13
Great perspective, lovoely lines.
LynnH22-Oct-2009 17:33
Nice POV and continuity. BV
Barry S Moore30-Sep-2007 07:22
Nice composition. The damp pavement looks great.
Pathfinder27-Apr-2006 01:25
Really nice lines and DOF.
Guest 03-Feb-2006 11:01
Great perspective, indeed. Nice!
Yiannis Pavlis30-Jan-2006 13:47
beautifull composition.
Greg Harp30-Jan-2006 04:21
Terrific shot!
Graham Tomlin29-Jan-2006 07:36
lovely picture regards Helen
Michael Shpuntov29-Jan-2006 03:40
Totaly agree. Great perspective
Mindy McNaugher29-Jan-2006 03:15
Fabulous perspective! Excellent!
Ann Chaikin29-Jan-2006 00:00
Looks cold to me. I like the simetry.