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William Shaheen | all galleries >> Astronomy - Astronomical objects, images and astronomy related projects >> APOD Submissions > M81 - Large Spiral Galaxy in Ursa Major 10-Mar-2015
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M81 - Large Spiral Galaxy in Ursa Major 10-Mar-2015

Distance 11.74 mly. North is up, east to the left.

Telescope configuration: Celestron EdgeHD 1400 with the Celestron 0.7x focal reducer (fl=2737, f/7.7).
Camera: Canon EOS 6D unbinned, IR modified, ambient temperature ~65F. 8 - 8 minute exposures at ISO 1600. Image scale: 0.49 arc-sec/pixel. Image capture ImagesPlus 5.75 Camera Control.
Mount: Software Bisque Paramount MX with PEC and ProTrack enabled. Autoguided with an SBIG Sti autoguider, a Celestron OAG (off-axis guider) and a Starlight Xpress AOLF (Adaptive Optics Large Format) device using PHD2 autoguiding software.
Post processing: ImagesPlus 6.0: Calibration, alignment, stacking and DDP using 0 dark frames, 7 bias frames and 7 flat frames, noise reduction and smoothing in IP 6.0. Curves and color balance in Nebulosity3. Cropped and resized to 50pct in ThumbsPlus7.


other sizes: small medium large original auto
Florent Potard26-Mar-2015 18:38
Beautifil shot of M81! V