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David Mingay | all galleries >> Mynd Dagsins '15 >> Photo of the Day 2005 > Jan 31: Mass production
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31-JAN-2005 David Mingay

Jan 31: Mass production

Due to the massive demand for the Slightly Younger DM Mask, they're now being reproduced by the thousand in a factory down the road. I've also opened an on-line shop for all your genuine DM merchandise... T-Shirts, mugs, mousemats, bags, etc etc...

enter the shop here

February Sale - Special low, low prices... Buy now, prices must increase soon!

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Wesley Aston04-Feb-2005 02:38
my favorite is that this is the "Slightly Younger" DM. :)
Lara S01-Feb-2005 22:56
you are too much!!!! :)
Gail Davison01-Feb-2005 22:04
Mad but brilliant.
Robin Reid01-Feb-2005 18:49
You are SO BAD! ROTLMAO. Gosh, with the retail line, you'll never have to work again.
Ray :)01-Feb-2005 18:02
I'm wondering where the Young DM is going to end up next. I'm keeping my eyes peeled everytime I go out the house...
Michael Todd Thorpe01-Feb-2005 16:44
Ok, DM, I love this! I've been too busy to keep up with everyone lately and I'm just checking in this morning... I love this whole series. What agreat idea!

Now, I think I need me a DM mug...
Guest 01-Feb-2005 15:27
Truly insane!! I love it! I bet we can find a store in SF to market theses as well!! may HAVE to cut your hair to look like "slightly younger DM"

Thanks for the morning laugh!!
Guest 01-Feb-2005 15:07
ROTFL!! David you're a marketing genius.
Ian Clowes01-Feb-2005 10:59
Hey just checked out the shop - very cool... you should be able to retire soon. Couldn't see any car/bumper stickers?
Ian Clowes01-Feb-2005 10:58
Arrgghhhhhh..... first pbase then the world!! :)