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Victoria | all galleries >> A better world--The world in my eye >> UK cities >> Manchester,start discover here... > Ho, ho, ho....Xmas is coming
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Ho, ho, ho....Xmas is coming

Father Christmas " "Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas!"

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Guest 28-Dec-2006 20:05
Love the warm tones and the textures
marie-jose wolff04-Dec-2006 21:24
very nice mood...
Guest 04-Dec-2006 21:09
You are in the right mood, Victoria!
laine8204-Dec-2006 20:31
Oh yes..crowds, rush, then enjoy !!
Lee G04-Dec-2006 15:43
Yea, Merry Christmas to us!! You always find happy, colorful scenes!
fred_il04-Dec-2006 14:13
Great one!
Jill04-Dec-2006 14:00
Delightful colors...
Guest 04-Dec-2006 11:24
cool, i can feel the spirit of Xmas here :)