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My sweet & warm & Christmasy room

Can you imagine, Victoria live near the Victoria station, now everything is perfect, life is pretty good and easy, ^_^ cheers, Victoria have new habit---love to have a glass of wine before sleep¡­according to nutritionist ¡° drink some wine is good for girls & woman to keep health ¡°¡­.

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Wei O'Connell05-Dec-2006 02:57
Very cool place! Cheers...
1moremile05-Dec-2006 02:27
You are too cool.
Guest 04-Dec-2006 08:25
The wine is also good for the man too :o) I have similar lamps to those Vic.!! Nice baubals..!
Victoria04-Dec-2006 07:57
Thanks , Luke, my Hunny say" hey " to Luke too...Have a nice day ^_^
Eric Hewis03-Dec-2006 23:57
Luke and his Tiggers say, Hi!
Elizabeth Burns03-Dec-2006 22:57
I love to have a glass of red before bed..I really like your room with Tigger

Deborah Lewis03-Dec-2006 22:37
I love your room - have a glass of wine for me! Cheers....
Sheila03-Dec-2006 22:37
Love your red decorations and the lamps!
ac03-Dec-2006 22:15
Nice Victoria. I guess it was easy to make the white balance :-)
Tom Munson03-Dec-2006 21:41
Nice shot Victoria a room with a view.
marie-jose wolff03-Dec-2006 21:09
you have a very nice christmas room.
laine8203-Dec-2006 20:52
Look after your health the rest will fall into place...sounds like your happy & content Victoria...& I love your room !!