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three quarters

Nikon D2x ,Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8G ED-IF AF-S VR
1/250s f/8.0 at 200.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
AL23-Nov-2006 07:26
Three quarters of your frame? Wise choice! A wonderful bonding, like the beads of her necklace, strung together with love. Voted.
t t15-Nov-2006 21:22
Azlin Ahmad13-Nov-2006 20:56
Absolutely agree with Stu. The lack of faces make it easier to identify the mother son relationship, but also on another level, reinforces how invisible and faceless these people are in their plight. Voted - not only for the excellent photography, but also for raising awareness on this region.
Sharon Rogers13-Nov-2006 19:13
fab crop capturing all the details - plus I love the figure in the bg.
Stu12-Nov-2006 10:30
I like the fact you haven't photographed their definitely made me focus more on the relationship between the boy and his mother (presumably). Perfect.
Faye White12-Nov-2006 10:23
perfect crop - couldn't be better!
Ana Carloto O'Shea06-Nov-2006 01:39
Excellent tight crop.
I think it's a photo full of life, of movement.. It's almost like we're watching the woman walk away, going about her business. The beads look even more impressive seen from the back.. wow! Her arm right in the middle of the image, gives a feeling of strenght, of security and the sun falling on the childs head, highlighting the hair looks so cool.
The more I look at it, the more I get the feeling that I can see her walking and I think this feeling is reinforced by the vision of that other women in bokeh... Great capture!