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monique jansen | profile | all galleries >> World Travel Photography >> Ethiopia 2005 >> Southern Ethiopia - Mursi Tribal Portraits tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Southern Ethiopia - Fascinating Tribal Cultures | Southern Ethiopia - Mursi Tribal Portraits | Southern Ethiopia - A Day in a Hamer Village | Central Ethiopia - Coffee Ceremony | Northern Ethiopia - A Rich Historical Past | Northern Ethiopia - Lalibela | Eastern Ethiopia - The Walled City of Harar | Eastern Ethiopia - Babille

Southern Ethiopia - Mursi Tribal Portraits

The Mursi tribe lives in Southern Omo Valley in Ethiopia. At the moment I would not recommend going to this tribe, unless you can visit a village that has not "profited" from tourism and is therefore more pleasant. It would be much better if tourist companies would charge travellers a certain amount to visit a village so that this could benefit the whole local community. As it stands now, you have to pay for each photo separately and this is not a good way to see the village life at all.
Mursi man with gun
Mursi man with gun
Mursi woman
Mursi woman
Young Mursi women
Young Mursi women
Mursi Boy
Mursi Boy
Mursi warrior
Mursi warrior
Mursi warrior meets tourist
Mursi warrior meets tourist
Three Mursi women
Three Mursi women
Mursi girl
Mursi girl
Corn on the head
Corn on the head
Young Mursi
Young Mursi
Mursi woman in front of hut
Mursi woman in front of hut
Mursi boys
Mursi boys
Mursi boy
Mursi boy