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tinkerb | all galleries >> Galleries >> Senja Island Norway February 2012 and revisited February 2015 - Arctic Odyssey > Hamn i Senja Panarama
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20-FEB-2012 C.Bell

Hamn i Senja Panarama

With the long exposure times the panarama was a bit of risk as the sky changes quite rapidly at times, but stitching two together seems OK.

Canon EOS 5D Mark II
10s f/4.0 at 24.0mm iso1600 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Mark Chambers ARPS AFIAP CPAGB BPE311-Mar-2012 16:01
Yet another cracking shot. V
Stewart Mitchell10-Mar-2012 10:00
Looks straight out of a sci-fi epic....what a sky! Great work in capturing it too:)
Pete Hemington08-Mar-2012 16:49
I am jealous!!! Green with envy perhaps - lol
McGarva07-Mar-2012 23:03
Cracking work Chris! :)
Johnny JAG07-Mar-2012 22:00
Brilliant stitchery! That sky is incredible
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