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07-OCT-2010 Cindy Flood



Leica M9 ,Jupiter 8
1/45s f/3.4 iso1250 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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sevres babylone07-Mar-2011 06:24
I like the delicacy and the muted tones. Fine fine photograph.
Rudi 13-Oct-2010 13:48
This is gorgeous, Cindy!
Cindi Smith12-Oct-2010 20:54
Gosh, love the composition. Really nice work here.
Guest 12-Oct-2010 12:56
I love the soft, muted colors in this shot.
Composition and subject aren't too shabby either.
Lennart Waara12-Oct-2010 11:19
Great still leben and lovely light!
Deniz Kilinc12-Oct-2010 10:42
wooww great compo .
Terry 12-Oct-2010 01:56
I have been reading a biography of Aaron Burr by Gore Vidal - this could easily
be an illustration in the book. BTW times were not simpler then :)
We were extremely lucky to have survived as a nation.
hal 12-Oct-2010 00:17
This photo does have a genuine feel to it of days gone by.
Everything in it speaks of a different age.
The bookcase, old books, desk and chair, and of course the candle as light source.
Very evocative and well photographed Cindy.
Michael Edwards12-Oct-2010 00:02
Lovely setting and a beautiful image!
Steve Mockford11-Oct-2010 22:16
Ah simpler times. Not sure that I would want to go back to reading by candle light with a magnifying glass though. Like your last entry, this setting has a welcoming feel, like an invitation to sit and read.
Frank Kavanagh Photography11-Oct-2010 21:46
A real old world scene, beautiful tones and cropping.
Pat Nighswander 11-Oct-2010 17:28
Interesting intimate desk setting well taken ... this would be pre computer desk
and what a great magnifying glass.