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Chris Sofopoulos | all galleries >> Galleries >> Portraits >
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Gary Winters30-Mar-2009 21:44
The composition is prefect. You can sense the thoughfulness in her mind, the weariness as well. She looks very tired.
Yiannis Pavlis23-Mar-2009 03:08
A marvelous portrait. Superb tonal range, interesting expression, and quite the character.V
PauloCGama22-Mar-2009 05:23
Intense and dramatic light. Wonderful catch, Chris. v
J. Scott Coile20-Mar-2009 19:42
Smoking has always had a high photographic appeal. In this days it also tweaks a few emotions. Well done!
CM Kwan20-Mar-2009 12:52
it is so powerful, Chris! V
Michael Shpuntov20-Mar-2009 01:15
Great portrait. Very moody and realistic. Vote.
bill friedlander19-Mar-2009 23:22
Really good portrait. the lighting is perfect, nice B&W tones. V
Guest 19-Mar-2009 20:58
Tones, contrast and details are really perfect. The composition is also very neat, with the 2 diagonals used.
Silvia Roitman19-Mar-2009 12:19
great portreit!
Paco López19-Mar-2009 06:45
Excellent!! V!
shatterbug19-Mar-2009 05:48
Clever diagonal composition, and wonderful light!
Cindi Smith19-Mar-2009 02:56
You do this so well!!!!!
Marcia Colelli19-Mar-2009 01:43
nice lighting v
Guest 19-Mar-2009 00:41
Wonderful details. Love the tones.
Ray :)19-Mar-2009 00:24
The ones and expression on his pensive face are fabulous Chris.
So great to see my two favourite Greeks back ;)
Aud Elise Sjøsæther18-Mar-2009 21:32
Fantastic portrait! Lovely light! BV
coaster18-Mar-2009 21:10
This is great. You really know how to use the light. V
nomadicdragon18-Mar-2009 20:53
Wonderful portrait. There's such history in those lines.
Al Chesworth18-Mar-2009 20:34
Lovely image, I would love a smoke, not had one for nine months
Antonis Sarantos18-Mar-2009 20:17
Unexceptionably masterpiece!!! GMV.
DirkM - DMEpics18-Mar-2009 19:36
Nice picture !