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self portrait of slug

central city, colorado

all photographs contain the shadow of the photographer
the artist is revealed by what is illuminated as well as by what is left in the darkness

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 30-Sep-2004 04:21
nice shot
Guest 15-Nov-2003 15:04
Wonderful! I did a similar shot that didn't quite get this same feel. Very cool.
EMangl15-Feb-2002 17:12
hope you don´t mind that i used your photo
Georgia Roessler23-Jul-2001 03:41
I love the texture of the staircase, as well as the contrast of light and shadow. Not to mention the elongated human shadow. Very exciting picture!
Guest 21-Jul-2001 20:12
This image strikes a chord in me since I am usually the one holding the camera. In my mind, the elongated shadow projected against
the staircase image emphasizes the following fact: Behind every good photograph,
there is a photographer-artist at work performing many steps to capture a unique moment in time with the hopes
of sharing the experience with family, friends, acquaintances, or just people who randomly drop by.