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Milford Sound | Dunedin and the Otago Peninsula | Mt. Cook | Christchurch

Dunedin and the Otago Peninsula

The Dunedin area is known for its spectacular variety of wildlife, and home to the largest university in New Zealand, with the student body making up almost 20% of the population. We did several tours there, seeing spotted shags, an up-close seal colony, the royal albatross, and one of the rarest specie of penguins, the yellow-eyed penguin. Also visited the tropical forest in the Otago Museum for butterflies, geckos, turtles, etc.
Larnach Castle on the Otago Peninsula Outside of Dunedin
Larnach Castle on the Otago Peninsula Outside of Dunedin
Larnach Castle at Night
Larnach Castle at Night
Views From Larnach Castle
Views From Larnach Castle
g1/28/417028/3/127016387.QhSDtY1C.jpg g1/28/417028/3/127016382.T8QbRbIP.jpg Spotted Shags Off the Coast of the Otago Peninsula
Spotted Shags Off the Coast of the Otago Peninsula
g1/28/417028/3/127016390.CrzRB2qQ.jpg g1/28/417028/3/127016391.tLaoPoBQ.jpg A Seal Colony Up Close and Personal Off the Coast of the Otago Peninsula
A Seal Colony Up Close and Personal Off the Coast of the Otago Peninsula
g1/28/417028/3/127036518.wetsGKxG.jpg Peeking With One Eye Open
Peeking With One Eye Open
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g1/28/417028/3/127016396.xcZAwFsY.jpg The Back End of a Royal Albatross Off the Cliffs of the Otago Peninsula
The Back End of a Royal Albatross Off the Cliffs of the Otago Peninsula
Yellow-eyed Penguins Coming Ashore After a Day of Fishing
Yellow-eyed Penguins Coming Ashore After a Day of Fishing
g1/28/417028/3/127016400.po7xI10Z.jpg g1/28/417028/3/127016401.ffYTy2s9.jpg Yellow-eyed Penguin from the South Island of New Zealand
Yellow-eyed Penguin from the South Island of New Zealand
g1/28/417028/3/127016404.zEmO89TA.jpg g1/28/417028/3/127016405.DmRhLWex.jpg The Railway Station in Dunedin
The Railway Station in Dunedin
View From Our B & B in Dunedin
View From Our B & B in Dunedin
From the Tropical Forest at the Otago Museum in Dunedin
From the Tropical Forest at the Otago Museum in Dunedin
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A Gecko
The Moeraki Boulders on the Coast About an Hour North of Dunedin
The Moeraki Boulders on the Coast About an Hour North of Dunedin
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