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Serena Bowles | profile | all galleries >> Travel >> The Middle East and Africa 2002-03 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Indian Subcontinent 2010-2011 | The First Time Around 1998-99 | The Middle East and Africa 2002-03 | Australia 2003-04 | The Philippines 2004 | South East Asia and India 2005-06 | France | Morocco 2007 | Prague 2009 | Cyprus 2009 | Underwater | Turks and Caicos 2008 | Mandrem 2014

The Middle East and Africa 2002-03

These photographs were taken during an Overland Trip through Middle East and Africa, September 2002 to February 2003. The trip started at Istanbul, Turkey, and finished almost six months later in Cape Town, South Africa.

Read about my adventures in The Middle East and Africa here

Some of my photos are now available to buy in a variety of sizes and finishes, or as digital files, at Search through my entire library of stock images here.

You can keep abreast of my travels by visiting my website

The Trucks
< The Trucks >
The Trip
< The Trip >
The Passengers
< The Passengers >