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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Holiday Doxies! > Definitely Not a Doxie... Chinese Crested
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23-DEC-2007 Sandi Whitteker

Definitely Not a Doxie... Chinese Crested

San Diego, California

Some impressive ears on this pup.

other sizes: small medium original auto
cits_4_pets10-Apr-2009 05:49
Love the light shining through. Great capture. V
Guest 17-Jun-2008 13:31
Looks like a great listener!
Bethany Wilson04-Jan-2008 13:02
I do believe this one takes the cake.
Guest 27-Dec-2007 10:49
Ahahah! She could fly with such propellers :) A fabulous use of light here! V
Lion26-Dec-2007 18:31
Great rabbit me thinks !!!
Dave Wixx26-Dec-2007 02:08
A giant rat me thinks!!!!!
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