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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Breathtaking YOSEMITE National Park > Climbers!!! Yikes!!
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26-JUL-2007 Sandi Whitteker

Climbers!!! Yikes!!

Yosemite National Park, Calfornia

Just specs on the face of this huge piece of rock at Yosemite, it takes climbers 3-4 days to climb the famous El Capitan.
They SLEEP up there! I took the moonlight tour that night, and we could see the lights of suspended climbers on the rock face.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Esa Ervasti27-Jan-2008 06:03
Terrific photo of grazy (sorry) people.
Gerard Koehl04-Oct-2007 18:30
Impressionnant... V
Tom Briggs17-Sep-2007 21:39
Nice catch, Sandi ... it reminds me why I never bought any pitons ... I always use an elevator for my climbing
Lion07-Aug-2007 00:42
So motel 6 left the light on for you to see Haaaa Haaaaa !!!!
Denis Vincelette06-Aug-2007 21:37
Hum ............... no . thank's ........... I'll be grounded !
Eddie Ling06-Aug-2007 16:01
Is that you in the red circle?
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