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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Breathtaking YOSEMITE National Park > Just Another Little Scenic Lake!
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26-JUL-2007 Sandi Whitteker

Just Another Little Scenic Lake!

Yosemite National Park, Calfornia

So much beautiful scenery and so little time!

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poetry66629-Nov-2008 19:21
Outstanding and breathtaking landscape Sandi.V!
Guest 24-May-2008 07:24
Great sky. Makes me wish I was there that day.
Yiannis Pavlis13-Dec-2007 05:01
Outstanding composition! V
veraferia19-Aug-2007 14:53
Marvelous! Wonderful blue sky!~V
Guest 16-Aug-2007 08:49
Excellent colors!
Glendower10-Aug-2007 22:14
Beautiful image.
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