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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Carson City Living > Snow!!!
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28-FEB-2014 Sandi Whitteker


Hope Valley, CA

Thoroughly enjoyed kickin' around in a near whiteout in our local mountain. One reason I moved to Carson City from San Diego... snow and ice.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Stephanie04-Mar-2014 12:06
Beautiful snowtograph Sandi! Love seeing the little house amongst the woods! :)
Janet Forjan-Freedman04-Mar-2014 00:57
Wow! Would make an outstanding greeting card! Excellent work.
Bill Robinson03-Mar-2014 22:21
Yes, looking very wintery! Lovely scene.
Martin Lamoon03-Mar-2014 22:13
Stunning scenery. Excellent photograph.
Peter Sussex02-Mar-2014 21:37
A most beautiful snowy scene, your POV is fantastic, too. V
Knox O02-Mar-2014 19:55
great snowy scene
globalgadabout02-Mar-2014 15:56
your hopes were certainly realized in this valley...what a rich atmosphere to revel in...V
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