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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Carson City Living > Tahoe Fresh Snow
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Tahoe Fresh Snow

One more snap from the ill-fated limo trip. The only silver lining to a limo
breakdown in the first hour of an all day trip. At least I got some fresh snow shots!

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Graeme15-Feb-2013 09:25
A fine wintry scene, Sandi.BV
Martin Lamoon14-Feb-2013 18:48
Fresh snow always looks great. Like your picture with the snow covered trees. v
Jim Coffman14-Feb-2013 13:55
A very beautiful capture,Sandi! You should break down more often! :))
Stephanie14-Feb-2013 13:15
This is a gorgeous view of Tahoe! Love all the snow! V
Sorry to hear about your limo troubles.... :(
❤❤❤ Happy Valentines Day! ❤❤❤
Anitta14-Feb-2013 05:32
Looks absolutely beautiful! V
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