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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Carson City Living > Winter Scene
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13-JAN-2013 Sandi Whitteker

Winter Scene

near Truckee, CA

I was stopped in my tracks by the moss on the trees in this forest scene along the river.
I'm sure enjoying winter here, and hoping we get a little more of it before it's over.

Visit the Carsons City Living Gallery, for more photos from this area, at...

other sizes: small medium original auto
Martin Lamoon13-Feb-2013 17:44
Terrific winter sceen. v
Jim Coffman13-Feb-2013 15:54
A stunning capture,Sandi!!
globalgadabout13-Feb-2013 04:04
stillness with a low this sharp-eyed view....V
Gaétan Bolduc13-Feb-2013 03:03
Beautifull winter landscape photo.V
Jess. ( Lady.D.)13-Feb-2013 02:23
Beautiful shot Sandi....
Guest 13-Feb-2013 01:24
Beautiful scene.
Marcia Rules13-Feb-2013 00:06
idyllic piece of winter art ~V
Stephanie12-Feb-2013 22:48
Such a pretty winter scene! I hope that we get some more winter here too! :) V
godro12-Feb-2013 20:04
Nice framed and compo bravo!
Wolfgang Bluhm12-Feb-2013 18:57
Looks lovely, Sandi!
MarcViskens12-Feb-2013 18:50
très jolie composition Sandi
so peaceful
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