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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Carson City Living > Winter on Lake Washoe.
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15-JAN-2013 Sandi Whitteker

Winter on Lake Washoe.

Washoe Lake, Reno, NV

Last light makes diamonds on Washoe Lake at at sunset.

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Craig Artlett28-Dec-2013 04:00
It looks like you captured what it must have felt like being there. Cold, with the sun struggling to get through and provide some warmth. This picture looks like it could have been shot on another planet.
Nestor Derkach12-Feb-2013 18:15
Very nice snow scene with exposure of excellence.
The light is very special in this fine photograph.
Peter Stahl12-Feb-2013 16:43
I can feel the cold. Nice one Sandi! :-))
Jill12-Feb-2013 14:08
Stephanie12-Feb-2013 13:55
Oh my goodness ~ this is really beautiful Sandi! Love the sparkling snow! :) V
Marcia Rules12-Feb-2013 13:19
Lake Washoe looks like your own private subject matter ~V
Guest 12-Feb-2013 11:32
And all is gleaming.
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