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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> By the Sea > Crystal Pier
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Sandi Whitteker

Crystal Pier

Crystal Pier, San Diego, CA

Sunset through the pylons of the pier makes some very interesting abstract art.
This pier has cottages for rent right on it. What an interesting holiday that would be.

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samikosemi13-Jan-2013 08:36
Great job
goelsamuel17-Mar-2012 21:28
Outstanding capture! Excellent compositions and stunning colors! V!
Range View 05-Nov-2011 22:01
I would sure love to holiday there! A spectacular sunset capture. V
LynnH30-Oct-2011 02:29
Oh, this is so colorful and the perspective is great. V
January Grey28-Oct-2011 04:14
Stunning colors & reflections! A wonderful composition!
Cindi Smith28-Oct-2011 00:55
Scrumptous! I'm going to try to do something similar in Galveston this upcoming weekend. This is gorgeous!
Guest 27-Oct-2011 15:02
I love sunset piers..... lots of lines and colors... silhouettes... v
John King27-Oct-2011 09:10
Wonderful intense sunset glow around and coming through the pier. V
carol j. phipps27-Oct-2011 01:02
The colors in this are amazing!
Guest 26-Oct-2011 22:52
Outstanding light and colors Sandi!!!! V
Robert Ballard26-Oct-2011 22:28
Very pretty
Nick Powell26-Oct-2011 20:38
Fantastic capture! BV
Janice Dunn26-Oct-2011 18:55
Sandi, just gorgeous...Stunning colours and so many lines...
Walter Otto Koenig26-Oct-2011 17:36
Beautiful colors and lighting. Very nice job with the exposure.
Long Bach Nguyen26-Oct-2011 15:11
beautiful composition, love the colors and the light in the image
Aud Elise Sjøsæther26-Oct-2011 14:46
Fantastic colors and mood! V
Stephanie26-Oct-2011 14:43
This is a gorgeous setting sun Sandi! The lighting and reflections are simply brilliant! BV
Toney Smith26-Oct-2011 14:43
Wonderful capture Sandi!
Gerard Koehl26-Oct-2011 14:27
La composition et la luminosité sont magnifique. V
Guest 26-Oct-2011 14:18
Awesome light Sandi !!!
PauloCGama26-Oct-2011 13:33
I agree with Tom. BRAVO!!
Tom Briggs26-Oct-2011 13:27
Bravo, Sandi ... stunning photo ... v
Brad Claypole26-Oct-2011 13:22
Excellent composition! BV
H2M26-Oct-2011 13:20
Wonderful!! V
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