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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Botanical Gardens, Encinitas, CA > Four Eyes!
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Sandi Whitteker

Four Eyes!

San Diego, CA

Never look back... just walk away from the pond, or you'll have to change
back to your long lens again when you see the best darn frog ever. Well, pretty
close, with this great reflection of it's big eyes. I think it was worth the effort.
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Bernard Bosmans09-Nov-2011 03:58
Fantastic catch, knows how to pose for you Sandi. V.
geonni banner24-Oct-2011 17:07
Wow! Awesome... V
Terri Steele12-Oct-2011 13:54
Cindi Smith10-Oct-2011 02:47
Oh, this is good! Love this!!!!!
John King09-Oct-2011 13:27
Splendid capture! v.
LynnH08-Oct-2011 14:21
Ha! I can relate to your story! Great frog shot... really worth changing the lens! V
Janice Dunn08-Oct-2011 08:29
What big eyes you've got Mr Frog
Chris08-Oct-2011 06:21
Wonderful, reminds me of the Frog King.
borisalex08-Oct-2011 06:07
Susanne v. Schroeder08-Oct-2011 01:45
Fantastic capture!
Jola Dziubinska07-Oct-2011 23:16
Brilliant capture, funny too :) Voted.
Karen Stuebing07-Oct-2011 21:33
Excellent capture and reflection. He's a pretty frog doubled in the water. V.
Guest 07-Oct-2011 20:00
Great reflections Sandi!! What a great capture!! V
Patricia Kay07-Oct-2011 19:51
Excellent Sandi...I love frogs and this is one handsome one...BV
Janet Donnelly07-Oct-2011 18:50
Is this fun, or what! Great capture, Sandi. Makes me smile!
Guest 07-Oct-2011 16:02
Wonderful reflective image, Sandi. Excellent find and capture. V
Ken Chambers ARPS07-Oct-2011 13:43
Effort well rewarded Sandi
Bill Robinson07-Oct-2011 12:54
Those blasted lens changes! Great reflection you've capture Sandi.
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