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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Botanical Gardens, Encinitas, CA > Found Their Hiding Place
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Sandi Whitteker

Found Their Hiding Place

Botanical Gardens, Encinitas, CA

I tried in vain to capture these illusive creatures at the pond, as the chased
each other merrily... or in earnest. Elsewhere in the gardens, I stumbled upon
their favorite resting spot, and had a whole lot more fun with my new macro.
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Dennis Camp20-Sep-2011 01:51
Nice detail with the light and colour
January Grey19-Sep-2011 04:05
Wonderful & intricate detail!! Terrific catch!
Bryan Murahashi18-Sep-2011 15:39
Great capture of this photogenic Dragonfly, Sandi. V
Naret Visesvongsa18-Sep-2011 11:31
Nice work Sandi to capture this fast flying insect.
Dan Greenberg18-Sep-2011 05:57
Totally awesome!! The color, the perfect focus and dof treatment are so captivating and striking. ~BV~
Stephanie17-Sep-2011 21:58
This is truly an amazing capture Sandi! BV
Tom Munson17-Sep-2011 21:14
Sharp and perfectly framed, Sandi! Great work!
Robert Ballard17-Sep-2011 16:08
Really nice. Which macro lens did you get?
Guest 17-Sep-2011 07:09
Fantastic capture. Very interesting light.
Gerard Koehl17-Sep-2011 06:47
Magnifique libellule. V
Guest 17-Sep-2011 02:56
Beautiful macro, Sandi. The color and detail are superb. V
Sam Rua17-Sep-2011 01:02
Very nice detail and DOF for this Flame Skimmer, Sandi. Very cool to compare to a similar shot here:, although I prefer your comp.
Astrid Taen17-Sep-2011 00:22
Excellent detail and nice bohek. The light on the wings highlight the structure and delicate nature. BV
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