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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Winter Along Scenic Highway 395-Tahoe or Bust > Alabama Hills and Sierra Wave
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Sandi Whitteker

Alabama Hills and Sierra Wave

Alabama Hills, Highway 395, California

It's a good day, when you're in the Alabama Hills, and some Sierra Wave clouds
slip over the Eastern Sierras. Did you know that many of the old westerns were filmed in the
Alabama Hills? I do mean old. Roy Rogers and Dale Evans galloped around in these hills.
(Larry Peterson reminds me that Trigger and Buttermild were doing the galloping.)

other sizes: small medium original auto
Nina Ludwig03-Mar-2010 19:10
Hi Sandi. I enjoyed this gallery. It was good to remember my travels in the US. Yes I did know about the Alabama Hills. No wonder Holywood came back time after time, it is a wonderful location.
peterjay4511-Feb-2010 00:13
An outstanding photo, Sandi. beautiful rock formations. V.
Randy Adams14-Jan-2010 15:36
Beautiful composition Sandi! Love the perspective! V
Cindi Smith14-Jan-2010 02:08
Wow! Love all the curves.
Marcia Colelli14-Jan-2010 01:22
Nice composition Sandi V
Jess. ( Lady.D.)13-Jan-2010 22:05
Outstanding textures and composition Sandi...
marie-jose wolff13-Jan-2010 21:14
superb composition, lovely shapes! V
Paula Krugerud13-Jan-2010 15:46
Nice nice shot Sandi! Love the angle and perspective!
Guest 13-Jan-2010 15:44
beautiful, love the compo Sandi.
Tom Munson13-Jan-2010 15:28
This is beautifl, Sandi! Great work!
Guest 13-Jan-2010 13:40
Awesome scene, Sandi. I am pretty sure it was Trigger and Buttermilk that were doing the galloping. :O)
Carol Rollins13-Jan-2010 13:31
Wonderfully composed Sandi!
Patricia Kay13-Jan-2010 12:31
Fabulous colors and textures Sandi and interesting to know that old Roy Rogers and Dale Evans galloped around there....BV
Barry S Moore13-Jan-2010 10:51
Brilliant composition. Lots of texture to admire here. ~v~
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