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Yves Rubin | all galleries >> Galleries >> Colors > Succulent radiating
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Succulent radiating

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nomada25-Aug-2011 11:49
fantastic image!
ana 25-Mar-2008 02:54
great outcome. good idea !!
Craig Persel29-Jan-2008 00:23
Esa Ervasti01-Jan-2008 07:15
Stunning result, well done.
Alina27-Oct-2007 12:50
Wonderful processing
sunnyjr20-Oct-2007 17:44
The lighting and color are incredible. Well captured image. Voted.
Manuel Libres Librodo Jr.14-Sep-2007 00:49
excellent patterns and very grabbing colours. the thumbnail shouts...V
Sergio Pessolano01-Jul-2007 09:39
Excellent composition and tones. Voted.
Guest 01-Jul-2007 03:38
Great idea, and well done.
Robbie D7029-Jun-2007 21:45
Great art work , always good to see.
firstbrook29-Jun-2007 14:05
Nice one......luv it
Guest 29-Jun-2007 12:00
A brilliant treatment, Yves! Well done. ~V~
Guest 29-Jun-2007 09:49
great image and love this color tone!
Dan Ng29-Jun-2007 07:44
Eye-catching colorful effects. V.
QUERIDO29-Jun-2007 05:23
Beautiful shot,vote
Guest 29-Jun-2007 04:26
It is interesting how the inverted image really changes the very nature of the subject.
Thierry Lucas28-Jun-2007 20:42
Wonderful picture !
Galina Stepanova28-Jun-2007 18:47
flowsnow28-Jun-2007 16:37