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Rolf Olsen | all galleries >> Astrophotography >> Globular clusters > Terzan 9 with ToUCam
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Terzan 9 with ToUCam

This image shows the heavily obscured globular cluster Terzan 9 in Sagittarius.
It has been determined that Terzan 9 lies within the Milky Way's central bulge at a distance of 23,000 light years. Shining with a magnitude of ~16 this cluster is a difficult target in most amateur telescopes, but it is relatively easy to photograph. The cluster is significantly reddened and heavily obscured by the massive interstellar dust clouds in the direction of the Milky Way centre.

OPTICS: 10" Newtonian f/5
MOUNT: Losmandy G11 equatorial
CAMERA: Philips ToUCam Pro SC1 webcam
EXPOSURE: 62 x 10s + 114 x 15s
DATE/TIME: 26/06/2011
LOCATION: My backyard observatory in west Auckland, New Zealand

other sizes: small medium original auto
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