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Roel van Gestel | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Military aviation between 1995-2005 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Military aviation between 1995-2005

Gone was the cold war, but local conflicts emerged. New tasks, new aircraft. A lot of old hardware was retired in these years.
All images are Copywrite, please do not use without permission. All pictures (c) Roel van Gestel
UH-1H 0148
UH-1H 0148
UH-1H 1704
UH-1H 1704
Bell-412SP 2604
Bell-412SP 2604
N-22B BL9-19/27
N-22B BL9-19/27
T-33A 51-17522
T-33A 51-17522
J-35Ö 02
J-35Ö 02
J-35Ö 11
J-35Ö 11
J-35J 35545
J-35J 35545
F-16A FA-27
F-16A FA-27
F-16AM FA-60
F-16AM FA-60
B.727-29C CB-01
B.727-29C CB-01
Jaguar Gr.1A XZ107
Jaguar Gr.1A XZ107
Jaguar Gr.1A XZ366
Jaguar Gr.1A XZ366
Jaguar Gr.1A XZ398
Jaguar Gr.1A XZ398
An-26 090
An-26 090
F-84G 10676
F-84G 10676
MiG-29 15
MiG-29 15
L-39C 0442
L-39C 0442
Al.3 A-235
Al.3 A-235
AS-532U2 S-453
AS-532U2 S-453
CH-47D D-667
CH-47D D-667
C130H-30 G-375
C130H-30 G-375
PC-7 L-01
PC-7 L-01
SH-14D 277
SH-14D 277
E-3A LX-N90456
E-3A LX-N90456
F-16D-50 083
F-16D-50 083
F-4E 68-0383
F-4E 68-0383
RF-5A 97147
RF-5A 97147
V.794D 430
V.794D 430
A-7P 15521
A-7P 15521
F-16A 15105
F-16A 15105
Da-50 17401
Da-50 17401
B727SP1 A7-AAB
B727SP1 A7-AAB
French Air Force / Navy
French Air Force / Navy
Italian Air Force
Italian Air Force
Polish Air Force
Polish Air Force