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Roel van Gestel | all galleries >> Military aviation between 1985-1995 >> USAF/USN/USCG > C-5A 00464
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10-JUL-1986 Roel van Gestel

C-5A 00464


Lockheed C-5A Galaxy 70-0464, in full colors, is seen here serving for 436MAW, shortly after landing at Soesterberg. The A- model of the Galaxy is retired now. Only C-5B's and -M's remain operational and will play an important role for many years to come. 70-0464 arrived at AMARG on 17 September 2012, after service with 137AS.

Praktica B100,Agfacolor Vista 100
1/11s f/1.0 iso1 full exif

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