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Roel van Gestel | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Military aviation between 1985-1995 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Military aviation between 1985-1995

Military aviation from the golden era... Before and shortly after the cold war, lots of beautiful aircraft could be photographed in Europe. An extra bonus from 1989 onwards were MiG's, Sukhois and Antonovs of the (former) WarPac. Once hidden behind a gone iron curtain, now open to see for anybody. If you were in time...
All images are Copywrite, please do not use without permission. All pictures (c) Roel van Gestel
Turkish Air Force
Turkish Air Force
Belgian Air Force
Belgian Air Force
Czech Air Force
Czech Air Force
East German Air Force
East German Air Force
French Air Force
French Air Force
German Air Force
German Air Force
Hellenic Air Force
Hellenic Air Force
Hungarian Air Force
Hungarian Air Force
Italian Air Force
Italian Air Force
Polish Air Force
Polish Air Force
Royal Air Force / Royal Navy
Royal Air Force / Royal Navy
Royal Netherlands Air Force
Royal Netherlands Air Force
Royal Norwegian Air Force
Royal Norwegian Air Force
Soviet Air Force
Soviet Air Force
Swedish Air Force
Swedish Air Force
Various air forces
Various air forces