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Ron Asp | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Maskwacis Samson Pow Wow August 2014 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Maskwacis Samson Pow Wow August 2014

The Maskwacis Samson Pow Wow is one of the bigger Pow Wows in Alberta in August. It is well attended, well run and friendly... I generally go to Ermineskin and Samson Pow Wows if I have the time.. In this gallery I thought I would put in more portrait style photos.
_GWW4246a.jpg  Grand Entry Samson Band August 2014
_GWW4246a.jpg Grand Entry Samson Band August 2014
_GWW4255a.jpg  Chiefs of the Grand Entry
_GWW4255a.jpg Chiefs of the Grand Entry
_GWW4354a.jpg   A Few Kind Words
_GWW4354a.jpg "A Few Kind Words"
_GWW4465a.jpg Looking Ahead
_GWW4465a.jpg Looking Ahead
_GWW4525a.jpg  The Warrior
_GWW4525a.jpg The Warrior
_GWW4412a.jpg  Samson Pow Wow Dancer
_GWW4412a.jpg Samson Pow Wow Dancer
_GWW4576a.jpg  Little Fox
_GWW4576a.jpg Little Fox
Untitled_Panorama1s.jpg  Maskwacis Bear Park
Untitled_Panorama1s.jpg Maskwacis Bear Park