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Ron Asp | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Ermineskin Pow Wow, Hobbema, Alberta, August 2006 - 64 Best Photo's tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Ermineskin Pow Wow, Hobbema, Alberta, August 2006 - 64 Best Photo's

The Hobbema Ermineskin pow wow run three days.It started on August 11 to August 13. It is very well run and put on with a lot of class. They keep it intertaining as there is something for all. The drummer singers are very good, it makes your hair stand up on the back of your neck at the grand entry. I try to go to one each year and make this the one to see. The dress and colors are outstanding. There are dancers from two to ninety...It is a family afair. I will be putting a lot of photos on this site of this pow wow. I like them and hope you will too..
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Sunday Afternoon Grand Entry 2006
Sunday Afternoon Grand Entry 2006
Young Dancer
Young Dancer
Pre-Pow Wow
Pre-Pow Wow
The Leaders
The Leaders
The Dignitaries
The Dignitaries
Passing By
Passing By
Chief Gerry Ermineskin
Chief Gerry Ermineskin
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IMG_3684 best pbase.jpg
IMG_3706 best pbase.jpg
IMG_3706 best pbase.jpg
Guest Speaker
Guest Speaker
Top Four
Top Four
IMG_3699 best pbase.jpg
IMG_3699 best pbase.jpg
The Prayer
The Prayer
Chief, and Pow Wow Gueen and Princess
Chief, and Pow Wow Gueen and Princess
Dancers of All Colors
Dancers of All Colors
In Motion
In Motion
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IMG_3629 best pbase.jpg
Ermineskin Pow Wow
Ermineskin Pow Wow
Ermineskin Beauty
Ermineskin Beauty
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IMG_3779 best pbase.jpg
The Families
The Families
Two Step Maybe....
Two Step Maybe....
Little Blue Buck
Little Blue Buck
Let's Do Our Best
Let's Do Our Best
Sun Shade
Sun Shade
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