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Ron Asp | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> The Ponoka Stampede 2009 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

The Ponoka Stampede 2009

The annual Ponoka Stampede is always durning the long weekend in July. This year it started a little early on June 25. It has probably the highest paid out prize money in Canadian rodeos, this year over $600,000. I make a point of being there and enjoy it very much.
Miss Rodeo Canada Princess
Miss Rodeo Canada Princess
Calf Roping
Calf Roping
Saddle Bronc Riding
Saddle Bronc Riding
Steer Wrestling
Steer Wrestling
Not the way to do it!
Not the way to do it!
Barrel Racing
Barrel Racing
Bull Riding
Bull Riding
Off the Back
Off the Back
Shy of 8
Shy of "8"
Still On
Still On
Making the Call
Making the Call
Calf Roping
Calf Roping
Eye to Eye
Eye to Eye
The Landing
The Landing
The Specialists
The Specialists
The Rodeo Clown
The Rodeo Clown
Rope in Hand
Rope in Hand
The Bull
The Bull
Well Done
Well Done
Team Roping
Team Roping
Barrel Racing
Barrel Racing
Riders & Rodeo Clowns
Riders & Rodeo Clowns
It's All in the Landing
It's All in the Landing
How High Can You Go
How High Can You Go
One of the Best of the Day
One of the Best of the Day
Not a easy landing....
Not a easy landing....
Classic Entry
Classic Entry
One of Many Barrel Racers
One of Many Barrel Racers
Not Looking Good
Not Looking Good
Saddle Bronc Riding
Saddle Bronc Riding
The Long Eight Seconds
The Long Eight Seconds
Calf Roping
Calf Roping
Coming Down
Coming Down