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Ron Asp | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> August 2014 Photo's of the Month tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

August 2014 Photo's of the Month

Another month to start into photos. Always found August a slow month for photo's. Guess it's what you make of it... See how it goes.
Don't miss my friend Rick Bricker"s photos on his site.. He has just started the Samson Pow Wow
_GWW4766a.jpg   Living on the Edge
_GWW4766a.jpg "Living on the Edge"
_GWW3976ball.jpg  Super Moon
_GWW3976ball.jpg Super Moon
_GWW3495 copya.jpg
_GWW3495 copya.jpg
_GWW3592a.jpg  Come fly with me
_GWW3592a.jpg "Come fly with me"
_GWW3558.jpg Snowbirds over Camrose
_GWW3558.jpg Snowbirds over Camrose