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Peter Kyong | all galleries >> portfolio >> Landscape > Rocca Calascio, Italy
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Rocca Calascio, Italy


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olivier bruning24-Sep-2013 22:06
a stunner! V
Cedric Sims12-Jan-2011 17:32
Very Nice!
Rosemarie Kusserow11-May-2009 19:38
Wonderful image! Great colors and light, vote, Rosemarie :o)
Jon01-Jan-2009 20:12
Incredible colors! V
Pedro Libório17-Nov-2008 10:41
I love this things!!!!!
big vote.
Michal Leszczynski29-Oct-2008 14:25
Wonderful capture of beautiful sunset, excellent photo. V.
Pawel24-Sep-2008 04:57
Superb colour work!
Guest 04-Jun-2008 04:35
freak'n impressive
Guest 04-Jun-2008 04:35
freak'n impressive
william mahan10-Nov-2007 03:30

This is the mother of all sunsets....looks like a evening meltdown...great job!
Guest 24-Aug-2007 04:57
Beautiful shot.
Jola Dziubinska01-Aug-2007 17:39
Amazing beauty, vote.
andrea morelli14-Jun-2007 22:59
What a light! Compliments!
Liz Bickel15-May-2007 04:10
Very striking image!
Zane Paxton03-May-2007 02:33
Wonderful inage!
Margaret Lew13-Apr-2007 21:11
Yes! Spectacular sky and rather erie lighting on the foreground.
We are ordering a D80 for our next trip...
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