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Peter Zwitser | all galleries >> Galleries >> Polar Bears of Spitsbergen 2006/2008/2010 > Polar Bear - IJsbeer
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18-JUN-2006 Peter Zwitser

Polar Bear - IJsbeer

Spitsbergen - Svalbard

Nikon D200
1/1000s f/9.0 at 400.0mm iso250 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 11-May-2007 17:30
The bear looks like he/she is looking at you and thinking "mmmmmm.... Dessert anyone!!!"
Antonio Ruggiero09-May-2007 20:25
Excellent photo....Bravoa.....
Bob B.28-Apr-2007 23:43
Well, I guess we know what the red is...
Tom Tom28-Apr-2007 12:57
great capture, hope you were very far away! :)