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Paul Walters | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Personal Favorites > 12-06-2004
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This is at Disneyland as they were doing the firework show. I was actually on the "Small World" boat and was just coming out of the tunnel when all the fireworks started going. I thought it would be cool to get the cool "Small World" castle with the fireworks behind it. Since I was in the boat, I didn't have a whole lot of control over the environment, but I thought this one was coolish. :)

FujiFilm FinePix S2 Pro
1/15s f/3.5 at 28.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Cagie 11-Dec-2004 14:41
VERY coolish! :) Disney would like this one!
Faye White10-Dec-2004 13:05
Very cool shot Paul - well done!
Gary Blanchette10-Dec-2004 12:35
Very cool Paul!
Cliff10-Dec-2004 07:17
Well I like it - it brought back some wonderful memories of four trips by daughter and I made to Disneyland. Although she didn't think "Small World" was all that cool, I loved it and found the attraction, even with what could be an annoying musical refrain, somehow evocative and nostalgic.
Jim B10-Dec-2004 06:46
Why apologise about anything? It's a great shot.
Besati10-Dec-2004 05:45
That's cool. Nice shot.
Guest 10-Dec-2004 05:19
Good shut, I believe the main reason to capture everything withaut shake was you was using the ISO at 800 and the speed was not so slow
Josy's Pics10-Dec-2004 04:15
Nice shot... well done Paul!
Guest 10-Dec-2004 03:50
Very coolish! You captured this shot very well considering you were on the boat.
Peter Hollinger10-Dec-2004 03:44
Cool is right! I like the dripping effect. How'd you get it so steady from the boat? I can see just a tiny bit of movement in the lights.