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John Kerry's wife
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29-JUL-2004 photo on TV

Teresa Heinz Kerry
John Kerry's wife

Sony Mavica FD-100 ,Sony Optical 3x / Digital Zoom 6x
1/30s f/3.9 at 19.2mm iso320 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 02-Nov-2004 06:42
She is such a drunken floozy. There are tons of pictures of her on the road with the campaign with 2 sometimes 3 beers in her hands at once. Feel sorry for John even though he is a take back wack job. Want the war, hate the war. LOL Would you want this lady as first lady?
Guest 21-Oct-2004 19:59
Guest 08-Sep-2004 03:04
Her nickname is the "Ferry God-mother of the Left".