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Olympus DSLR Challenge | profile | all galleries >> Olympus E-SLR Challenge Galleries >> C230 'Watching the Highlights' by Stefan Kaben >> edit this gallery tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

C230 Competition | C230 Exhibition | C230 Originals

C230 Exhibition

This gallery is for images taken to the theme by you with any camera at any time.

You can enter up to 3 images in this gallery.

Images: 800 pixels and 200kB (+10%) max (see Rules on Entering Images);
Photoshop 'Save As' to keep EXIF data, try image quality 8 or less;
'Save As' preview file size is only an estimate, so please check file size after saving.

Include image name and your name in the title
eg My Ranch by JR Ewing.

Include EXIF data (or text) to show image date and camera make/model (and basic camera settings).

Any image with a title that starts with '+ ' contains a related image in its caption and/or the Originals Gallery.
1st Place: Endless Summer - aja2
1st Place: Endless Summer - aja2
2nd: Sundown - Henry
2nd: Sundown - Henry
3rd (tie): Viking Ship - by MikePDX
3rd (tie): Viking Ship - by MikePDX
3rd (tie): Egrets Gathering-Shirley
3rd (tie): Egrets Gathering-Shirley
by Shirley Haden
3rd (tie): Cattails in the Sun - aja2
3rd (tie): Cattails in the Sun - aja2
3rd (tie): Blown - Yaelle
3rd (tie): Blown - Yaelle
Placeholder - Do not vote
Placeholder - Do not vote
After the Storm by Paul Wear
After the Storm by Paul Wear
Turquoise and Gold by Paul Wear
Turquoise and Gold by Paul Wear
The Empire by Paul Wear
The Empire by Paul Wear
Winter Sun - Yaelle
Winter Sun - Yaelle
Seaside Grasses - Yaelle
Seaside Grasses - Yaelle
Winter Cold - Henry
Winter Cold - Henry
Duck -Henry
Duck -Henry
Groomsmen by John
Groomsmen by John
homecoming - Barry
homecoming - Barry
doorway - Barry
doorway - Barry
ageing in style - Barry
ageing in style - Barry
Sunset at the Watering Hole - by MikePDX
Sunset at the Watering Hole - by MikePDX
Goin' Sailing - by MikePDX
Goin' Sailing - by MikePDX
Young Aviator-Shirley
Young Aviator-Shirley
by Shirley Haden
Night Flight at a 1000 Feet by Canadian Club
Night Flight at a 1000 Feet by Canadian Club
when the boat comes in - Colin
when the boat comes in - Colin
South bank - Colin
South bank - Colin
Icicles by Canadian Club
Icicles by Canadian Club
Casino Waterfall by Canadian Club
Casino Waterfall by Canadian Club
Winter Sunset-Shirley
Winter Sunset-Shirley
by Shirley Haden
Masonic lodge - Michael
Masonic lodge - Michael
by Michael Ramsay
Window - Michael
Window - Michael
by Michael Ramsay
Pittwater & Lion Island - Max Pegler
Pittwater & Lion Island - Max Pegler
PRISM by John
PRISM by John
Cold city - Colin
Cold city - Colin
Blown High Rise by Thane
Blown High Rise by Thane
High Volcanoes Welcome by Thane
High Volcanoes Welcome by Thane
Iced Tea by Paul
Iced Tea by Paul
Through the Glass Brightly - Stefan
Through the Glass Brightly - Stefan
Through the Wringer - Stefan
Through the Wringer - Stefan
Umbrellas - Stefan
Umbrellas - Stefan
Ruahine Dawn by Thane
Ruahine Dawn by Thane
Suffrage - Michael
Suffrage - Michael
by Michael Ramsay
Harbor Ice  -ArtP
Harbor Ice -ArtP
Snow  -ArtP
Snow -ArtP
Sunrise over Big H  -ArtP
Sunrise over Big H -ArtP
Ethiopian White - Geophoto
Ethiopian White - Geophoto
Sunrise over the Keli Mutu - Geophoto
Sunrise over the Keli Mutu - Geophoto
Gallery Closed - Do not vote
Gallery Closed - Do not vote