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poetry66608-Jan-2008 15:51
Yves Rubin21-Dec-2007 17:11
Perfect! Simply wonderful detail and tonalities
Marisa Livet08-Dec-2007 16:04
This is a very intriguing picture, it’s a pure example of your style and it’s an archetype of your most inspiring subject.
The cold blue of the door and the golden warm light of the mysterious background are in perfect contrast.
Leo Charette25-Nov-2007 14:20
This is fabulous
Guest 18-Nov-2007 04:22
The detail is amazing.
Guest 18-Nov-2007 04:22
The detail is amazing.
Ali Majdfar17-Nov-2007 06:58
Fabulous! ~V
Patricia Lay-Dorsey17-Nov-2007 03:22
What a fabulous image! It reminds me of an old (1865) door that was burnt to a crisp in a fire where I used to have my art studio. I pounded glitter-covered nails in it, colored it with oil pastels and used in performance art. Wish I still had it so I could take a photo of it! But see what your image triggered in me? Thanks...
J. Scott Coile16-Nov-2007 22:57
No matter where you are, you find the beauty of urban decline!!!
Guest 16-Nov-2007 21:09
Oh yummo...juciy and fab...v
JSWaters16-Nov-2007 21:04
How did you turn peeling paint into mother of pearl iridescence? My fingers are itching to touch this.
Guest 16-Nov-2007 15:42
excellent I see a face too.
Guest 16-Nov-2007 13:39
And there is light inside. Let's go!!
12316-Nov-2007 07:37
Wow, love the textures. V
Greg Harp16-Nov-2007 04:41
Superbly done. Excellent color and tone.
Guest 16-Nov-2007 03:28
Guest 16-Nov-2007 03:28
Damn you're good!
I see a face. :0
Michael Shpuntov16-Nov-2007 03:27
You're master of such an images nicky. Great decay.
dane16-Nov-2007 03:22
a smorgesboard of colors and textures....
Guest 16-Nov-2007 03:19
So are your eyes...and mine now. V
Guest 16-Nov-2007 02:30
beautiful Roe
Ray :)16-Nov-2007 01:58
Go in.
Wait, you're in already?.....

Total Yum.