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© Jean Durepos



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Frank Tran26-Jul-2016 03:25
Nice catch and capture. V+
Len12-Aug-2013 13:58
Well composed and colourful, great candid!!!!V.
Frank Brault10-Aug-2013 17:47
A fine action candid. I like the tilt of the bikes. V
alfredo camba jr.03-Mar-2012 17:05
Very nice and interesting street photography! V
XiaoBernard9910-Dec-2011 07:23
Très très bien prise.Très motard comme photo aussi .
bill friedlander01-Nov-2011 18:36
I can feel the wind. Great shot of these guys enjoying the open road. V
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)27-Jul-2011 06:27
Excellent work! V.
norbi15-Jul-2011 13:22
Great perspective by Your use of the telelens. v. norbi
janescottcumming15-Jul-2011 01:25
Cool shot. I feel like I'm riding with them! V
January Grey14-Jul-2011 16:45
terrific action shot!! V~
Simon Chandler14-Jul-2011 02:27
Superb composition with great impact. Great vantage point. v
Ken Chambers ARPS14-Jul-2011 01:54
Great shot Jean
Jim Coffman14-Jul-2011 00:48
This is a great action capture,Jean! V
Ted Aanensen14-Jul-2011 00:44
terrific capture
Marcia Colelli14-Jul-2011 00:34
Wonderful composition and capture V