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11-OCT-2010 © Jean Durepos

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Frank Tran10-Oct-2013 16:08
Agreed with Bill. V+
norbi07-Sep-2011 10:28
Excellent capture from the Indian Summer. v.norbi
bill friedlander23-Oct-2010 14:54
Beautiful autumn scene. Great composition and lovely colors. Looks like a group of seven painting. V
Pierre23-Oct-2010 11:07
Un très beau décor côtier en cette saison! V
Blandine Mangin23-Oct-2010 08:18
de très jolies couleurs ! v
Chris Spracklen23-Oct-2010 07:43
Gorgeous autumnal scene, Jean.
I especially like the layers of colours you've captured here. (V)
January Grey23-Oct-2010 06:41
A lovely Autumn surprise, beautifully captured, Jean. V~!
lou_rozensteins23-Oct-2010 03:12
Beautiful colour and composition!
Simon Chandler23-Oct-2010 02:38
Beautiful. Love the mood and light. v
Hank Vander Velde23-Oct-2010 02:21
Beautiful, well captured Fall scene Jean.
Ted Aanensen23-Oct-2010 01:08
beautiful capture, love the change of seasons V
Jim Coffman22-Oct-2010 21:52
Beautiful fall scene and lovely colors,Jean! V