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Gordon W | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Best Shots > Winterlude 2010 Fireworks (13705)
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Winterlude 2010 Fireworks (13705)

Opening Ceremony

Winterlude ('Bal de Neige' in French) is the annual winter festival
of Canada's capital region (Ottawa, Ontario and Gatineau, Quebec).

Photographed from Gatineau (Hull), Quebec, Canada.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 16-Aug-2010 23:45
Beautiful capture. This is not an easy thing to photograph.
Milan Vogrin05-Mar-2010 13:37
Great image!V!
Webman0606-Feb-2010 16:18
Splendid overlay of fireworks. 4 seconds seems like a very purposefull setting. I normally limit my shots to 2 or 3.2 sec at most. Your results are awesome, really ! You deserve a warm VOTE !
Jeroen Bosman06-Feb-2010 13:43
perfect fireworks capture, v.
Benoit Durocher Photographie06-Feb-2010 13:26
An explosion of colours , well done Gordon.